All right. The various different rooms have different vibes, different adult beverages, and different music. It's going to turn into more sales. Welcome to the Art Curator Store. We do too.

I went and looked at the results and dug into it, and he got a 2,000 follower bump on Instagram.In addition to it being shared on Instagram, this content curator also has a blog and a Facebook page, shared at both of those places, so he got an additional 400 Facebook followers out of the deal. I would go to that level of sending this guy an entire huge case of beer which is really geographically hard to get, which is one of the top-rated beers, which everyone loves, to potentially get his attention and open up that DM stream, because if you get shared by that account, it is a game changer.Quickly summing things up, how you do it is not so important as trade craft, so you go to make it your trade craft. I would start out from the biggest of the big, the whales, and go all the way down to the smaller ones. We're @art_storefronts. They literally go out and find everyone else's work that's funny, share it, and they've grown massive followers. This is something that's been going on for a long time. That's how much I love what you're doing. Say if your niche is long-exposure photography or light painting or whatever, there's a curator that just shares the best of the best of that. Even for the people that say, "Well, Instagram's been around so long. They're not going to find you, but they're following the content curators because they're looking for the new up-and-comers. You ever been to a huge hours party that just has a bunch of rooms? That's something that I would do. One of his ads was BeSeen, one of these content curators, and it was pretty cool what happened. Love your account and what you're doing on IG. Yes, it's my stuff, but maybe that works." That's what it is. It makes it a little bit easier to understand. Don't be afraid to go big after the big guys. I'm sure you've heard of Heady Topper before. This is exposure for them, so most people will be more than happy to have you share on their behalf. It's just amazing what's going on there. This is pretty much the best curator on Instagram. The point is, no excuses, anybody can do this. Remember, you're about to cold email them out of the dark, so it would help to have some intel to make it seem a little bit less spammy. That many?" That's cooking with gas.Just stay focused on providing value, the more value the better, before you ask for anything in return. It could be complimenting them, providing them feedback, sending a gift box. I'm actually in Vermont right next to the Alchemist Brewery. It's even more so powerful in aggregate when you give it a shot with a bunch of different curators, depending on what's in your niche. Step one, you find the curators in your niche. This is the Art Marketing Podcast. Facebook, too, but it's just blown up to a crazy level. If they do have a website, check it out. I know Susan likely gets a fair amount of followers or direct messages, too, and she probably does not respond to most direct messages.

Me too. We got out, we do our homework. Your fan and Buddy, Patrick." You do it. There's a large range here. But like I said, I'm a mom, so I don't have the luxury of being able to create new recipes all day, every day. You get them to share your images. It's a little cheeky, kind of a fun comment. Yes. Why Instagram? He kind of stumbled into this technique working out for him in a different way, but he took some of my advice about advertising on Instagram.
It was big in the early days of blogging, like The 10 Best Websites on the Internet.

A curator (no different than someone who selects the art that appears in a museum) is someone who, instead of creating things themselves, shares things they feel people would be interested in seeing. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & COMMISSIONS - Cé ART is an art consultancy service, run by Sally Bulling, in Queenstown, New Zealand. From fitness models to restaurant foodies, chefs to stay-at-home moms who want to share their favorite recipes, food has always been one of Instagram's most popular categories, and arguably one of the most engaging types of content on the Internet. There are two types of Instagram influencers: content creators, and content curators.Most of the time, it's the content creators that catch all the limelight. Some of their content's questionable, some might say questionable, but most people think it's pretty funny. It's where the attention is. Eva Respini # 3 Klaus Biesenbach. You got to give it a shot.Let's sum it up. I got a message last week from a customer, actually, sent me a DM, as it were, on Instagram. A few examples of art curators on Instagram: @taxcollection, @instagood, @passionpassport, @worldtravelbook, @folkmagazine, @hifructosemag, @thevisualscollective, @beautifuldestinations,, @love.watts