Sigur Rós are an

( )ist ein 2002 veröffentlichtes Musikalbum der isländischen Band Sigur Rós. 3

Hai informazioni sul background di questo brano?

HELL NO! hopefully isn't for the lastOne of my FAVOURITE songs of all time! The former is a largely ambient piece ending in a majestic rush of strings and keyboard effects, whilst the latter morphs from upbeat to a truly crushing finale with some of the finest drumming I've heard.


Love the way it slowly builds up, with the climax being nothing else than purely EPIC.

Von Julia Radgen

The story should always be the integral part of art, and these guys do it just perfectly. 56.378


( ) is my favourite SR album, and this song is my all-time favourite from them.

Never ceases to amaze..

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Conosci il testo di questo brano?

Il 4 gennaio 1994